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Furniture And Choice (FurnitureChoice.co.uk) has revealed its lineup of living room, dining room and bedroom furniture for guaranteed Christmas delivery – items must be in stock or due in stock before 1st December 2021. Available at great prices, shop the range of selected products at www.furniturechoice.co.uk/in-time-for-xmas/.
Living room furniture
1. Baltimore Armchair – £329.99 – www.furniturechoice.co.uk 2. Kansas Sofa – £599.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk 3. Hampton Sofa – £799.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk
Dining room furniture
1. Addison and Renzo Dining Set – £599.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk 2. Magnus and Renzo Dining Set – £599.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk 3. Savoy and Perth Dining Set – £649.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk 4. Aspen and Regent Dining Set – £549.99– www.furniturechoice.co.ukBedroom furniture
1. Rauch Fellbach Wardrobe – £499.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk 2. Lexington Bed – £499.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk3. Langham Bed – £799.99– www.furniturechoice.co.uk