

  • Residents from Reading are the most interested in saving money and investing with 5,118 monthly searches for terms related to savings and investment per 100K residents.
  • Bristol residents rank second, with 4,887 monthly searches for terms related to savings and investments per 100K whilst Manchester ranks third.
  • Bournemouth ranks fourth with 4,234 monthly searches per 100K.

New research has revealed the areas in the UK where people are most interested in saving money and investing amid the cost-of-living crisis with residents in Reading taking the top spot.

The research by Investing Reviews analysed keyword data through Google Ads to discover the average monthly search volume for keywords related to savings and investments across the most populated places in the UK.

The area most interested in saving and investing is Reading. There are 5,118 searches per month for savings and investment related terms per 100,000 residents in Reading. The most popular term is ‘premium bonds’ with an average of 1,300 average monthly searches per month within Reading. This is followed by ‘cryptocurrency’ with 720 average monthly searches and ‘credit card’ with 480 average monthly searches. 

Bristol is the area that is second most interested saving and investments. There are an average of 4,887 searches related to saving and investing per 100K residents. This comes as a result of 465,866 residents in Bristol and a total search monthly combined search volume of 22,770 across all the terms. The most searched term related to investing and savings was ‘loan’ with 2,400 average monthly searches being made in Bristol.

Manchester residents are the third most interested in savings and investments. Each month, there are an average of 4,327 searches per 100K residents for searches related to saving money. Similar to Bristol, Mancunians are searching for the term ‘loan’ the most out of any search term.

In fourth is Bournemouth with 4,234 searches per 100K residents each month. This is due to a population of 187,503 and a total average of 7,940 searches for money saving and investment terms. The most popular terms being Googled by Bournemouth residents are ‘loan’, ‘premium bonds’ and ‘cryptocurrency’.

Liverpool rounds out the top five with an average of 4,161 monthly searches for money saving terms per 100K residents. There are a total of 19,380 searches made each month by Liverpudlians for money saving terms out of a population of 465,000.

Ranking sixth is Leicester with 4,026 monthly searches per 100K residents for savings and investment related terms. This comes as a result of a population of 329,000 and a total of 13,280 searches being made each month in Leicester for terms associated with saving money.

Birmingham is the seventh most interested area in saving money with 3,959 searches being made each month per 100K for terms related to saving money. There are 42,450 searches each month in total for investment terms and savings terms across a population of 1,074,000. 

Eighth place is taken by Glasgow. With a population of 598,000 and 23,150 total searches each month for terms related to money saving and investing, there are an average 3,865 searches per 100K. In ninth is Nottingham with 3,732 monthly searches per 100K for money saving related terms, such as ‘loan’, ‘premium bond’ and ‘credit card’. 

Rounding out the top ten is Edinburgh. The Scottish capital sees 3,637 searches being made each month per 100K residents for money saving and investing terms.



The areas that are Googling money-saving terms the most
Areas Rank Number of monthly searches per 100K residents for savings and investment related terms
Reading 1 5,118
Bristol 2 4,887
Manchester 3 4,327
Bournemouth 4 4,234
Liverpool 5 4,161
Leicester 6 4,026
Birmingham 7 3,959
Glasgow 8 3,865
Nottingham 9 3,732
Edinburgh 10 3,637


Commenting on the study, a spokesperson for Investing Reviews said: “It is vital, now more than ever, to be saving money where possible during this cost-of-living crisis. This data offers a fascinating insight into the locations that have the keenest savers and investors and it will be interesting to see if these numbers change over the coming months when prices continue to rise.”

The study was conducted by Investing Reviews, an independent comparison review site that was set up to help people make smarter decisions about investing.