
We all know the feeling…you wake up one morning and there, smack-bang in the middle of your forehead is a painful pimple shining back at you. Fortunately Britain’s best-loved nappy cream Sudocrem has come up with a handy list of ways to address the issue of adult acne. (And they absolutely don’t involve attacking the spot for hours in front of the mirror. We repeat, don’t squeeze that spot!)

There are a number of myths about acne, including that spots should stop at adolescence. The truth is they can occur for a variety of reasons, many of which are part of our everyday life including pollution, stress and hormonal changes. When the pores in our skin become clogged by the oil – sebum – our body naturally produces, the blockage causes a that nasty swelling we lovingly refer to as a pimple, zit, or spot.

Dr Shahzadi Harper says, ‘During puberty our hormones fluctuate, and we tend to produce more testosterone, which can cause oily skin. This means that some people suffer an increase in spots. Funnily enough, this can also happen during periods of stress, for example when starting a new relationship. When our hormones settle down again our skin should too.’

To help keep everyone’s face smooth and blemish-free, Sudocrem have put together some helpful facts and tips. And, if the inevitable does happen, there are a number of ways to treat your spots that can speed along the healing and reduce the chances of scarring.

  1. Don’t touch your face with your hands as the dirt and oil form your hands can add debris to the face and increase the chances of your pores coming into contact with bacteria and becoming blocked. Using a dirty pillow, not washing your face mask or leaving make-up on overnight can all increase chances of breakouts.
  2. Pollution is basically air-born nano-particles of dirt. These can be a contributing factor to clogged pores. Unfortunately there’s not much you can do about pollution in the area you live (short of moving to the countryside), but you can try your best to mitigate its effects by thoroughly washing and cleansing your face in the evening before bed.
  3. Hormones and stress can have a big impact on skin. Many women, for example, will experience breakouts at different points in their cycle. In adults this manifests as spots along the jawline whereas in teenagers they’re more common on the forehead. Stress will increase the body’s production of cortisol which can worsen acne.
  4. Nappy cream by day, skincare hero by night! Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream is the nation’s worst kept beauty secret, known to help sooth spots and speed up the healing process. Apply a dab to the affected area and allow the soothing process to begin. Sudocrem is a barrier cream that contains antiseptic properties and a mild anaesthetic that will reduce irritation.

So why not follow the crowd and complete your make-up bag with this reasonably priced yet iconic grey tub? Sudocrem, you’re spot on!