Expansion includes two new senior hires: Liz Callaghan as Chief Strategy Officer and
Catherine Sutcliffe as Regulatory Affairs Director
Etrading Software, the global provider of technology-led solutions, announced its expansion into Regulatory Data Services, and as part of this expansion hired Liz Callaghan as Chief Strategy Officer for Regulatory Data Services and Catherine Sutcliffe as Regulatory Affairs Director, two newly created roles reporting to CEO Sassan Danesh.
Etrading Software continues to expand regulatory data services to better support industry dialogue with public authorities on improved governance and efficiency in the capital markets. Etrading Software also broadens regulatory initiatives for improved transparency in the capital markets and is a key operator of regulatory-led capital market infrastructures, such as on the Digital Token Identifier, an International Standards Organisation (ISO) Standard. The DTI assists market participants and public authorities to unambiguously identify digital assets and DLTs for ISO.
This expansion comes off the back of LDC, the private equity arm of Lloyds Banking Group, making a significant investment in capital markets technology firm Etrading Software at the end of last year. LDC’s investment will support Etrading Software to continue growing its range of technology-enabled services and to expand its offering of data services internationally.
Liz Callaghan joins Etrading Software from ICMA, where she was a senior director and lead on the MiFID II and electronic trading practices in secondary markets. She has extensive experience of electronic trading and market structure, working with both industry and public authorities to achieve market-wide improvements in transparency and efficiency. Her role at Etrading Software includes facilitating expansion of Etrading Software’s services through the implementation of technology solutions and best practice governance.
Catherine Sutcliffe brings a broad range of regulatory experience to Etrading Software, having worked for both the European Securities and Markets Authority and the UK Financial Conduct Authority, as well as holding roles within top tier capital market institutions. She will assist Etrading Software to align its expanding services with the needs and policy of public authorities.
Sassan Danesh, CEO of Etrading Software, said: “We are delighted to welcome Liz Callaghan and Catherine Sutcliffe to Etrading Software’s growing team, to drive forward our vision of best practice governance for regulatory-led market infrastructures. The timing is perfect for such a dialogue within industry and with public authorities, especially given the continued momentum towards a Consolidated Tape in the UK and EU.”
Liz Callaghan, Chief Strategy Officer at Etrading Software, said: “I am excited to be joining ETS. This opportunity will allow me to use my MiFIR regulatory knowhow alongside my background in electronic trading and market structure to advance ETS regulatory data services and help shape future fixed income market structure.”
Catherine Sutcliffe, Regulatory Affairs Director at Etrading Software, said: “ETS is a financial technology firm with a powerful vision and purpose to serve the financial industry. I’m delighted to be playing a part in it and look forward to working with Sassan, Liz and the rest of the ETS team.”