Datsa Gaile
Many small business owners dream of getting services or products in front of celebrities. If only you knew how? I am Datsa Gaile, the founder of SolaAir Sequin Walls UK and I found it possible to get my sequin wall panels onto the backdrops of the high-profile UK and global award ceremonies within the early years of my business.
Before reaching out to celebrities directly, your product needs to stand out and grab attention to capture their eye before you try anything. One way that works for me is to get to know them personally by commenting and sending direct messages on social media, then finding the correct contact and emailing their managers or representatives. If you decide to reach out this way, make an impressive 3-sec impression, and ensure that your contact information is on the point. Remember that conversations can be very official and formal; you will find your style of professionalism.
My visibility on Google helps, so having a prominent phone number and email address online is vital because they may call you out of the blue. You may feel disbelief when you first start to see celebrities finding you. I had an Instagram message from one celebrity’s team to assemble a wall, and I messaged back, “Is this a joke?” I realised my mistake overnight and apologetically messaged back to discuss the next steps. As a result, my sequin wall displays were soon in Britain’s Got Talents (BGT) judge Amanda Holden’s dressing room. The BGT team explained Amanda’s chosen colours and styles; her reaction was priceless.
I have found that keeping good relationships with fellow industry professionals leads to opportunities to provide referrals. Referrals have happened to me previously, so it is crucial to give a personal touch to keep that customer returning. I also find that honesty about my backstory has helped me to be relatable and made me more accessible to clients. When you are sharing your story about the work you have done and who has purchased
your products, be careful not to imply an endorsement that is not there. It would be best to be mindful that you have permission to use photographs and testimonials. You can tag celebrities, and depending on the project, they may share photos of your product too.
I have found that it is easier to contact celebrities through their agents when they are starting. As they develop their career, they become more exclusive and refer collaborators to their managers to begin to make payments for their services. It is, therefore, essential to recognise talent and build relationships early with upcoming stars. One of the most important things that will take place in the celebrity world is a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect the client or event. I have signed many of these and kept confidentiality until the official announcement. I get used to saying, “I am sorry, I cannot tell you about anything.”
I have been discovered online and contacted by the stage production company for awards events. I also work with creative agencies, and my sequin wall panels are often hired rather than purchased outright. The production team could see a decent website and images of celebrities and big names, which creates trust but doesn’t happen immediately. Remember, cheaper options are not as elegant; our SolaAir sequin wall panels are like satin and smooth moving; they have a high lustre and are indeed a luxury product. For celebrities, products are more likely to be bespoke, and I may not have the stock in the UK in my warehouse with 60 colours and printing. Each project is different, and I recommend discussing everything in detail with your client beforehand. I tell them about the product, positioning, placement and the frames needed, some sequin panels are hung, and some are on boards.
Sometimes, high-profile clients have a limited time to get my sequin walls in place. Therefore I have the order manufactured and delivered from Prague via customs direct to the clients. Once a celebrity’s team visited the factory in Prague to transport the sequin panels with super professionalism. I thought, “How exciting for my small business.” This process means that your suppliers must be as professional and impress them as you do. I would say that adapting to the celebrity world is essential, and I am always learning with every opportunity. When challenged, I figure it out as there is so much more I want to do, which means I have to find solutions. In this client’s case, I joined the team to help assemble the sequin wall panels to ensure they went up correctly as required. The team can then see how easy it is so they can create the walls themselves next time.
One stage company keeps returning because he feels that there is no better product than from us which will protect their entertainers in live situations from hazards and toxic fumes. One of my most significant benefits is my certified fire retardant materials, which are the high-quality they need. A certificate on purchase to make their insurance valid gives my client the extra confidence they need. Therefore I believe in being the best you can be and providing the highest quality products, services and standards. If you continue to do this, you will stand out, and they will stick to you forever because you go the extra mile. Some clients are happy to pay extra money for faster shipping because they need it, and if you serve the client the best you can
and make all your clients feel exceptional, having a good reputation for going the extra mile for everyone will make an impact.
For some high-profile events, they do not want people to know who their suppliers are because of competition. It would be wise to ask what you can do, or you will be the best-kept secret. For this reason, your reputation, marketing and website need to be your focus for potential customers who work in the celebrity world because you never know who is looking.