
By Florencia Cirigliano

Last year, the headlines deemed 2021’s summer “The Year of the Roadtrip.” Just months before, we were all avoiding any travel—impatiently waiting for a vaccine to be released and the pandemic to end. As soon as restrictions were lifted, we all took to the road, and we haven’t stopped yet, which is why I think 2022 is on its way to becoming “The Year of Luxury Travel.”

Travelers are going to keep going out and want it to be extravagant and comfortable. A recent study by TripAdvisor found that 3 in 10 Americans who traveled pre-pandemic in 2019, think it’s important to splurge on big trips this year. An astounding 71% are planning to travel for leisure this year, up 8% from 2019. People are ready to get out—and they’re ready to do so comfortably, which is where luxury motorcoach travel comes in. 

Luxury on the road

Planes, trains, and automobiles have always gotten us where we need to go, and perhaps one of the options often considered last is bus travel. Across the United States, there has long been a preconceived notion that buses are ‘less-than’ other travel modes. People don’t usually think of buses before driving or taking a plane, and they certainly don’t think of them when they think of luxury. However, this is changing. As luxury motorcoaches continue to revolutionize the experience of passengers, people are catching on.

With consumers’ disposable income growing, single deck luxury coaches are growing exponentially in the market due to affordability and comfort. Most have a seating capacity below 40 for domestic travel, and their demand in the luxury motorcoach market is expected to hit $43 billion by 2026.

From seats that recline into beds to fast Wi-Fi and socially distanced seats, luxury motorcoaches are primed to be the new preferred indulgent way of travel. Here are three reasons that I think the travel industry can look forward to this change:

  1. Time is the most valuable asset for business travelers. It’s not a new concept, but business travelers are always looking for ways to shorten their waits and get back to work—on their laptops or other electronic devices. Bus travel eliminates the TSA lines and gets them in seats sooner so they can log on and continue working. With a seamless boarding process and fast trips, business travelers can get to their location quicker and eliminate their downtime between stops. Additionally, with first-class experiences like those available on RedCoach, there’s no discrepancy between comfort.
  2. Luxury is becoming more accessible. For those traveling for leisure, thanks to social media, influencers, and celebrities—luxury is more accessible than ever before. Thanks to pioneers like RedCoach, the industry is observing real growth and change, especially when it comes to the public’s perception. In the past, not only was luxury travel outside of reach for most of us, but it was not associated with the bus.  Luxury was exclusive, the middle-class didn’t even know what they were missing. But in the age of information, we can Google how to get the perks we want. From using points for travel to upgrading to first-class tickets, an entirely new population has access to previously denied luxurious options—and now they’re demanding them. Once they’ve seen how the proverbial other side lives, they don’t want to go back to narrow seats and smelly accommodations.
  3. New perspectives since COVID. The ‘new normal’ has become so commonplace that it’s almost lost its meaning. But one thing we can all agree on is that a lot of things have changed, including our perspectives. For many, this has carried over to looking at what’s valuable. And for the travel industry, this has led to an increase in ‘splurging’ travel. The previously mentioned TripAdvisor study also found that American travelers are spending 29% more on their average booking in 2022 than they did in 2019. After living through a deadly pandemic and being forced not to leave our houses and states, everyone’s thirst for exploring is high. There is a huge market for a comfortable way to see the world—and travelers are willing to prioritize extravagances because they’ve lived through such loss over the past two years. 

With the rising price of cars, gas, airline tickets—the list goes on and on, finding ways to bring luxury to the everyday traveler is key. With leather seats, on-board movies and refreshments, and convenient schedules, luxury motorcoaches can bring a comfortable experience to everyone. Whether for business or pleasure, travelers are getting back on the road. The only question is how they will get there—and the answer is by luxury bus.