Ubermummies Founder Alex Smallman discovers that live, online exercise classes (which were not really even a thing before lockdown!) have proven to be the perfect solution for mums who want to get fit and exercise around the kids, home and work commitments. Meaning they gain greater energy and can be consistent.
A recent survey of Alex’s Ubermummies members showed that 89% of 120 respondents surveyed said that exercising online during lockdown has made them more consistent in their approach to exercise and 93.66% said that working out with a live trainer online was the key to staying accountable and getting strong.
Multiple lockdowns have been especially tough on families and mums however some resilient mums have found that being based in the home has had a surprising upside!
- 86% said regular, online exercise classes during lockdowns definitely made them happier overall
- 94% said that online exercise has made the difficulties of the last 18 months a more positive experience
- 85% said regular, online exercise during lockdowns made them more energetic
- 93% said in particular working out from home online in a live class environment with other mums was particularly helpful and held them accountable.
- 70% said they feel stronger in all areas of their lives
- 60% said they feel more productive in all areas of their lives
The survey categorically proves what Alex discovered to be true for herself over six years ago, when she personally found that exercise combined with accountability and community was the route to becoming consistent and more productive in all areas of her life. It was training to become a Personal Trainer 9 years ago that helped transform Alex (who went from being super stressed to super strong) whilst healing herself.
Ubermummies Online:
Ubermummies is an online fitness community for everyone who wants to exercise, make friends and feel great! As a monthly or annual member of Ubermummies you immediately gain access to everything on offer. This includes all the live, online fitness classes (HIIT, Tabata, Strength, Mat-based, Yoga and more) hosted and taught by the Founder, Alex Smallman and her amazing team of trainers. Members also gain access to the fabulous Accountability Bubbles that help them stay connected and motivated! It also includes an extensive library of on-demand classes as well as weekly, live, online socials. Members also gain access to Alex’s signature lifestyle coaching course the ‘Ubermummies Approach’. And now the world is back to some-kind-of-normal the entire Ubermummies offering continues to grow – proving that this is what fits and works with busy family lifestyles.
Interesting facts from a recent Ubermummies Members’ Survey with 120 members surveyed – April 2021:
- 95% of members said they feel more confident when they have started their day with Ubermummies.
- 75% of members said they considered mental wellbeing to be equally important as physical wellbeing.
- 79% of members said being consistent with Ubermummies and exercise has made them more consistent in other areas of their lives.
- 88% of members said that the option of being able to access Ubermummies from home made them feel more in control of their health, fitness and productivity in life overall.
Ubermummies Core Values:
Love & Consistency
Within Ubermummies the feeling of being loved is felt everywhere, throughout every workout, friendship, conversation, social interaction & collaboration. Team that with consistency in support & kindness and the Ubermummies recipe is powerful.
Fun & happiness
A community where fun & happiness runs through everyone’s veins. Exercise & life should be fun and in equal measure it will make you super happy. We have no room for negative nelly’s!
Strength in body & mind
At Ubermummies we will always empower you to build strength in both your mind & body. You need both to be firmly in place. Just watch life change in extraordinary ways when they are.
Thriving not surviving
Our daily mission is to see you absolutely thrive in every aspect of life. We will provide you with the tools to help you fly and be here to catch you, should you have a little fall.
Friendship & community
Our community is our bloodline. The friendships formed are rare and unbreakable. We welcome every person with open arms and invite anyone to come along for the ride.
Making beautiful memories
Whether it be workouts, retreats, events, Teatime Talks, Lunchtime Chats or Fizz Fridays (brunches, interviews, workshops) you name it, we will forever be making amazing memories for you and with you.
Options & possibilities
At Ubermummies you have all the options and possibilities at your fingertips for everything in life to be enriched.
Balance & growth
Finding balance in life is a true pleasure. No ‘mean girl’ talk to yourself! Practicing positivity and trusting the process are the keys to unlocking your potential.
“My friends and I live in opposite parts of the country and whilst we were generally feeling more disconnected during lockdown, the opposite has happened with us. Ubermummies has brought us closer than we’ve ever been. Our friendship has flourished. I’ve never felt more connected and loved. My mental health has improved drastically. I feel stronger physically and mentally and I’m proud of what we’ve achieved and I love that I’m being such a positive role model to my young children. Ubermummies saved me for sure and I just can’t imagine not having it in my life!” CLARE SILVA, WEST SUSSE
“With working from home and also home schooling for part of lockdown, being able to get up and workout for 45 minutes and be finished by 7.15am has been life changing. It has made me feel happier, positive and in control of the day ahead especially with so much change to everyday life. Having my best friends, who are in the other corners of the country, join me live every morning gives us the motivation to get up and do it!!” VICKY PRATT, BRISTOL
Our journey started with just a week-long, online Ubermummies boot camp in December 2020…Working out consistently since then has been a real game changer – the more I do the more I want to do. I can’t imagine ever slipping back into the inconsistent exercise routines of my past because I know I have my best friends and the Ubermummies community to keep me on track.” CARMEL OFFORD, NORTH YORKSHIRE
“Live, online classes work and they are here to stay.”
“Creating a community spirit is vital for our members and the real gold dust is working out live with a trainer”
“Time is a precious commodity especially for busy mums and women. It’s a lovely idea to think that time can be spent dashing here, there and everywhere for in-person classes but in reality it just doesn’t work out like that. Mums have realised they can harness the power of live workouts at home with consistency and get the results they desire. This is a very big shift. One I haven’t seen before.”
“Seeing people get consistent and see their bodies REALLY change has been such a joy – so many people have struggled to be this consistent before lockdown”
“MENTAL HEALTH. Hearing how much better people have coped because of being online has been amazing. I always say DO IT for the mental freedom it will give you for the day and when you can do that alongside other amazing women – it is GOLD DUST!